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Friday, November 28, 2008

New Group At Sagamore Island

One of the things we are doing at Sagamore Island is providing space for smaller orphaned groups to hold there meetings.
So far one has been chosen for this privilege the * NRA-SL *. this group is intended to promote Gun owners right.
the groups description is as follows

This group is for members and people interested in the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.

The NRA is the nation's leading organization supporting shooting sports, self-defense, and the 2nd Amendment.

This is a forum for information, education and serious discussions of the subjects and responsibilities of firearms ownership. It's NOT a place for frivolous, trigger-happy individuals or groups bent on griefing.

(Not affiliated w/ the RL NRA)

They are getting setup at Sagamore now and well be ready for visitors in the near future! Congrats to them.

So if you have an interest in joining this group just search for it in SL groups.

The idea here is to bring Republicans together And promote Conservationism. Sphere: Related Content

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