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Saturday, January 31, 2009

Lugar Caves to Obama

It seem our own Senator Dickie boy don't know where hes from. Hes been playing footsie with Obama! What did you get Dick? Why have you betrayed the GOP? One of 9 GOP lefties to vote with the Dems yesterday on Obama's health care plan. Dickie boy what don't you get HUH! Socialist health care is no good for us here in INDIANA! How long will it be be for you fools start telling the doctors where they must Live to, or we have someone in this area that does what you do so you learn a different specialty or we cant use you. Also what will it be LUGAR you can get $32,00 per yr Mr. Brain surgeon!! This way of thinking is un-American. Lugar you know that! Has your Brain turned to MUSH?!?!?!? I guess the next thing you will do is vote for this stimulus plan Obama is trying to ram threw the senate. Tell me ol Buddie how will turning over ALL my health records to the Federal Government help get this economy going? Everything I've ever said to my Doctor or asked him IS NOW BETWEEN him myself and the Government? How long will this take before you just tie that in to a central information bank on each American! So that when someone orders a Pizza, the Clerk gets a pop-up telling them I am 10lbs over weight There will be a 20% charge increase on this pizza. for the Greater Good of the people.
We can look to Canada the UK, and Russia to see how graet this NEW plan has worked.
Sentor Richard Lugar you are indeed a SAD SACK and a Poor excuse for a REPUBLICAN!!!
From one who voted for you and will not do that again!!!!! Sphere: Related Content