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Saturday, February 14, 2009


Well now that we have this stimulus plan or recovery plan what ever they want to call it shoved threw whats next?
What happened to transparency? how can a bill be voted on when no one has even seen it?
this is something I hear talked about on the streets of main street America. As I have said before I am just a guy. The people I see and talk to are the so Called Little People who just want to live and be left to enjoy our families Go to work and get out for a beer now and then.
But whenever we turn on the TV all we see are more jobs gone people losing there homes and a President telling us in so many words nothing, just have Hope there is Change on the way?
I see the Change. I see payoffs going to the backers of this administration. Not the Change that I was hoping for at all.
Now We hear this GREAT need for a fairness doctrine. Why is that? It really sounds like the powers don't want anyone to speak out. if the Left is worried about liberal speech when let them have there own radio shows. This is a right that they enjoy If they do not like what is being said on the Conservative programs turn the dials, You don't have to listen to them!
As we move away from our Republic to Fascist state I hang my head head.
You think this is a strong statement? fascist
Fascism is an authoritarian nationalist ideology focused on solving economic, political, and social problems that its supporters see as causing national decline or decadence.[1][2][3][4] Fascists aim to create a single-party state in which the government is led by a dictator who seeks unity by requiring individuals to subordinate self-interest to the collective interest of the nation or a race.
I don't know about you but to me this sure looks like what is going on here in the USA.
Our president stands before us and Lies to our faces, He has gone back on so many things that hes said. Like Saying to the people in Il that JIM from Cat would be rehiring workers if only we would support his bill, When ( Jim) never said that at all!!
Mr President we are not as dumb as you might think I am sure there are those who will just be in a state of euphoria when you come close to them But not all of us!
We love our country And will in a peaceful way stand up to you in your efforts to remake America to suit you Sir. America is founded on Individual Liberty
That means we get to live as we please, and listen to Conservative radio if we choose we don't need Washington to look over us. So PLEASE don't think we are Helpless Victims here!
Enough About that Tell me what happened to this plan to go threw the budget line by line and cut out the waste? We are not hearing a lot of that being done.
And as for Bipartition work I don't see that at all.
Well 2010 well soon be here and things will look a bit different then.
GOD BLESS AMERICA Sphere: Related Content

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Specter, Snowe, Collins Anger GOP Base

It does very Little good to have enough to filibuster when we continue to have bums like this in the Republican party. This is an outrage that they would side with President Obama just to bring the pork home! Now we have just lost very important ground thanks to them.
I heard Mr Specter saying he did all he could, Well if thats your best go HOME! your not needed Sir!!! We need Republicans with guts to stand up to all this spending! In 6 mos when nothing has changed what will you tell the people of PA? We all know this will not help anything. Calls have gone to Washington 100 to 1 to stop this bill and you 3 could not even find it to stand with the GOP! Let us hope that in 2010 you 3 are gone!!!
Did you hear what the President said about Japan yet he chooses to follow the same path and you with him. All he does is preach Doom and Gloom! Ya thats right over 1/2 the jobs in America have been lost in the last 3 months. Puts that right at NOV , Think about that you 3!! But you go ahead and follow him! You are running this country into the ground!!
Its about time we had a more Conservative approach in Washington. I for one don't think that Government and only Government can spend us out of this. They are the ones slowing us down here. And this is not the GREAT DEPRESSION but it soon will be if America keeps listening To this President Bad mouth our Country. Sphere: Related Content