Friday, November 28, 2008
New Group At Sagamore Island
So far one has been chosen for this privilege the * NRA-SL *. this group is intended to promote Gun owners right.
the groups description is as follows
This group is for members and people interested in the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the 2nd Amendment to the Constitution of the United States.
The NRA is the nation's leading organization supporting shooting sports, self-defense, and the 2nd Amendment.
This is a forum for information, education and serious discussions of the subjects and responsibilities of firearms ownership. It's NOT a place for frivolous, trigger-happy individuals or groups bent on griefing.
(Not affiliated w/ the RL NRA)
They are getting setup at Sagamore now and well be ready for visitors in the near future! Congrats to them.
So if you have an interest in joining this group just search for it in SL groups.
The idea here is to bring Republicans together And promote Conservationism. Sphere: Related Content
Monday, November 24, 2008
Last Word in Politics

What a group!
We had a very good turn out last night, at least a dozen people showed to talk politics. I think some of the anxiety is slowly starting to subside, from what I'm going to coin as Obama disorder. Symptoms vary from the feelings of being trapped or tied up in red tape to losing your voice, or a vulnerable feeling of not being able to protect yourself.
If you think you may be suffering from Obama disorder Please post your Symptoms here, so we can try to understand this better, Who knows there may some day be some federal compensation!
We did a few things I thought were important, like its time to move on. We know where we went wrong in 2008 and why we lost. So what are we going to do about it?
From what I heard there is a need to return to the Right , Thats right the Right!
I don't care what the main stream puke buckets are saying, Spreading their Left wing liberalism to everyone's homes. They must really think we have no minds what so ever. Well I've got news for them we do. And Strong Family Values and Smaller Government Is what hear people saying they want, not some mushy reach across the isle mealy mouth always willing to give in to the other side!!
So having said that who is out there, to stand up for us? They should be strong and be able to take the heat!
Not afraid to look the liberals square in the eyes and back them down.
I saw Joe Biden rip G. Bush on Youtube over the GOP's policies in Iraq.
We need someone who will just say sit down Joe, when you learn that Jobs has 4 letters not 3 you can speak. Oh and by the why Joe we will and are Marking you words you can believe that my friend. You wanted the spotlight well its yours now.
There was some talk of Bobby Jinal heres a little on Bobby
Piyush "Bobby" Jindal (born June 10, 1971) is the current Republican governor of the U.S. state of Louisiana.[1] Prior to his election as governor, he was a member of the United States House of Representatives from Louisiana's 1st congressional district, to which he was elected in 2004 to succeed current U.S. Senator David Vitter. Jindal was re-elected to Congress in the 2006 election with 88 percent of the vote.
On October 20, 2007, Jindal was elected governor of Louisiana, winning a four-way race with 54% of the vote. At age 36, Jindal became the youngest current governor in the United States. He also became the first non-white to serve as governor of Louisiana since P. B. S. Pinchback during Reconstruction, the first non-white elected governor of the state, and the first elected Indian American governor in U.S. history.
If Bobby can tow the Conservative Line I'm all for it!
Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal enacts hiring freeze
I think there may be something to this Young Governor worth watching.
Sunday, November 23, 2008

Well Friends what you see to the left is the GOP cafe.
Things are starting to take off there now, our group has now topped 200 members and still growing!
Events are planned for almost every night of the week. Here you can have discussions on political views that you feel strongly about or attend the Friday night Beach party with your friends. Featuring DJ Dione, man can she spin the Vinyl. So be sure to dress sharp and bring a date, and get ready to dance threw the night into the early morning hours!
Everyone is welcome to come and express their thoughts on whats happening in the world today.
We have very few rules at Sagamore And strive to make this an enjoyable experience for all.
Sagamore Island is Proud to announce The Conservative Hall of Fame!
Thats right its underway now, here's how you get involved.
Nomination Category
1. Political Leader .(not involved in politics any more)
2. Academic/Thought Leader
3. Journalist
We will take Nominations for the next few days you can get your forms by the GOP Cafe entrance.
Fill them out and place them inside the door in the suggestion box.
After Nominations are closed we will all be voting for your picks.
Those who have earned a place in the Conservative Hall of Fame will be Placed there to be seen and remembered by all. (See photo top right) Sphere: Related Content